Employment resources for students
Walla Walla University offers a limited work program for students on the College Place campus. The university neither assigns nor guarantees students jobs. Rather, each student who wishes to be employed is responsible for finding, getting, and keeping a job. Students may pursue job leads on their own or with the help of Student Employment.
Tips for finding a job off-campus
1. Include your resume
Keep your resume updated and attach it to job applications. Sometimes your resume will show an employer something more that could help you get the job.
2. Search for a job
WWU's Job Scene has off-campus jobs listed, but not all businesses list their job openings with us. Check out the off-campus section for current openings we are aware of.
3. Places to search for an off-campus job
- Walla Walla Union Bulletin, the area’s local newspaper
- Contact some local businesses, like Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen or Andy’s Market, to see if they are hiring, or do an online search
4. Apply
Follow application instructions for each business and attach your resume. Follow up with employers to show interest.
Ask for help
The student employment manager is here to help you.
Student Employment Office
Canaday Technology Center, room 307
(509) 527-2357
Students who wish to begin job-hunting before arriving on campus are encouraged to do so.
Student Employment maintains a list of on-campus employers online.
A list of currently available jobs are posted online as a resource for students.
Take a look at employment opportunities available to you.
Students may request paper copies of both these resources by contacting student employment: (800) 656-2357
Student Employment provides an online application that you can use to apply to multiple positions. Once you submit your application it will be sent to the Student Employment office and you can then request that it be forwarded to the employer(s) of your choice.
The pay scale for most jobs begins at minimum wage for entering freshmen. Washington State minimum wage for 2024 is $16.28 and is adjusted on January 1, each year. Students with advanced skills may be paid more. Also, students who stay in their jobs and whose skill levels increase will normally receive periodic raises.
Estimate how much you can earn as a student employee.
All students working on campus are covered by workers’ compensation but are not covered by unemployment insurance.
All students employed on campus are paid every other week. Payments are electronically deposited directly into a bank account at any U.S. bank, savings and loan association, or credit union of the student’s choice. In most cases, students have instant access to their money through automated teller machines even when banks are closed.
Students may opt to have a percentage of their net wages (after taxes) applied to their student account. Students wishing to have this option should sign the "Voluntary Authorization for Payroll Deduction" form available online or in Student Employment.
Students registered for 12 or more credit hours generally find 10 to 15 hours to be the maximum they can work per week.
A student’s class schedule may affect that student’s employment opportunities. Many employers need student workers between 8 a.m. and 12 noon. In general, students find that having three- to four-hour blocks of time available is ideal for their work schedules.
Federal regulations require that all employees hired present Original documents that establish both their identity and eligibility to work. All students wishing to work on the Walla Walla University campus are required to present such documents in order to receive authorization to begin work. View a list of the documents you'll need to provide to be eligible to work on campus.